Sophia Zheng, Sophomore at American Heritage School Boca/Delray
The purpose of this experiment was to analyze the effect of antitumor supplements on the regeneration growth of planaria. The hypothesis was that if planaria regenerated in different solutions with supplements added, then they would grow faster than they would in a pure spring water solution. The supplements tested were Vitamin K2, Vitamin D, and Coenzyme Q10 while the control was a spring water solution. Throughout three trials, a halved planarian was kept in one dish for each solution and I observed each of their growth over the course of ten days. After ten days, based on average growth, the planaria in the Vitamin K2 solution not only had the highest rate of growth per day, but also grew to the longest length. From next highest to lowest rate of growth was the spring water solution, the Vitamin D solution, and then the Coenzyme Q10. My hypothesis was supported in the case of regeneration with the aid of Vitamin K2 because it had a faster growth rate and grew the longest. However, only one out of three of the supplements had better results than those of the spring water solution. Overall, the antitumor supplements did not increase the growth of the planaria in comparison to the spring water. Vitamin K2, not Vitamin D, was the most effective supplement. These results can be applied to further understanding the way stem cells work, how supplements can be beneficial towards totipotent cells, and supplemental effects on their early cell growth and differentiation.